Inner Space Cavern

Exploring the Subterranean Wonders of Inner Space Cavern

Deep beneath Georgetown, Texas, lies a hidden world that has captivated visitors since its discovery in the 1960s: Inner Space Cavern. Recently, I took the Adventure Tour here, a guided exploration through some of the cave’s most impressive rooms and formations. Unlike other caves I’ve explored, Inner Space offers a surprising combination of wet surfaces and carpeted walkways, making the underground path both accessible and safe. The experience was nothing short of magical, and here’s why.

A Hidden World Uncovered

Hidden for over 10,000 years, Inner Space Cavern was discovered by accident in 1963 when a core drilling team from the Texas Highway Department broke through the cavern’s roof. Word of the discovery quickly spread, and soon spelunkers were descending into the dark, mud-filled depths to explore the expansive chambers. By 1966, the cavern opened to the public, and it has since become a beloved Texas destination for its stunning natural formations and well-preserved state.

The Adventure Tour Experience

The Adventure Tour was a fantastic way to see some of the cavern’s largest and most decorated rooms. Paved walkways and railings guided us along the well-lit path, and while some parts were damp, carpeted sections provided extra traction. This setup reminded me of the caves at Longhorn Cavern State Park, though Inner Space is distinctly wetter. Even without encountering any bats (though they do call this cave home), the thrill of walking through these ancient passages was unforgettable.

Our guide was knowledgeable, sharing the history of the cave and explaining its unique formations. The temperature inside remains a steady 72°F, but with the high humidity, it felt closer to 80°F—a comfortable warmth that adds to the atmosphere of the space. Over the one-hour journey, we saw impressive formations including domes, towering columns, and beautiful displays of stalactites and stalagmites, each one formed over thousands of years by the steady work of water and minerals.

A Geological Wonderland

The highlight of Inner Space Cavern is its remarkable geological formations. The cave boasts a variety of structures, from intricate clusters of stalactites hanging from the ceiling to massive columns that reach from floor to roof. Our guide explained how each feature forms, patiently answering questions as we stood in awe beneath these towering rock formations. At the farthest point of the tour, our guide invited us to experience a timeless cave tradition by turning off the lights, enveloping us in surreal and serene darkness. In that moment, we could imagine the cave as it existed thousands of years ago, untouched by human presence, before switching the lights back on and making our way back to the visitor’s center.

Exploring Texas' Hidden Gem: Inner Space Cavern

Inner Space Cavern offers a fascinating journey into Texas’ geological past, featuring easy-to-navigate paths, stunning formations, and a rich history that make it truly unforgettable. With a range of tour options, there’s something for everyone—from the family-friendly Adventure Tour, which provides an accessible and informative walk through the main chambers, to the Hidden Passages Tour, where you can explore less-lit, narrow passages with only a flashlight for a more adventurous experience. For thrill-seekers, the Wild Cave Tour offers a guided spelunking journey deeper into the cave’s undeveloped sections.

For tour details and schedules, visit the Inner Space Cavern website: Planning more Texas outdoor adventures? Check out our OUTX app for guides and maps to enhance your journey! Though we haven’t added Inner Space’s cavern map—since its underground layout limits GPS location tracking—we could still include it if there’s interest, though it wouldn’t be location-registered.


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